I'm Peter Scott, a certified UI Designer and Front-end Developer located within the Sunshine City, Jamaica.
I create custom marketing-centric information websites that puts my clients above their competition. From start-ups to SMEs to large multi-national corporations, I specialize in connecting brands to their customers.
Outside of working directly with clients and their businesses, I also take on contract work globally, becoming an extended member for your agency.
If you are interested in creating, improving or maintaining a website, please do not hesitate to contact me. I have years of experience in hosting, technical support, content management, SEO, branding and digital media campaigns.
I like to resolve design problems. create smart user interface. imagine useful interaction. focus on the human-centered design. _
A company’s brand identity is how that business wants to be perceived by consumers. It must be readable, versatile, memorable and most…
Bespoke web design can improve efficiency, streamline business processes and overcome the challenges of a demanding IT strategy.
The struggle to overcome your competition is a lot easier when you have a website that tells your brand story in a way that resonates with your customers.